Efm32 Usb Cdc Serial Port
Firmware v2.0 & Docs Description Download EFM32 Firmware Factory Image (v2.0) EFM32_odyssey_v2_0_19Feb2016_boot.bin BLE Firmware Factory Image (v2.0) BLE_odyssey_v2_0_17Feb2016.hex Firmware Update Release Notes (v2.0, update 1) Odyssey Kit Firmware Update Release Notes v2_0 rev1.pdf Odyssey Offload Processing User Reference (v2.0) Odyssey_Offload_Processing_User_Reference v1.2.pdf BLE Firmware Factory Configuration Settings for v2.0 A_20737A1_BLE_v2_0_17Feb2016.cgs * This file is needed to update the Bluetooth MAC address.
Source code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.82 Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V4.82 (DLL compiled Mar 10 2014 19:13:25) -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 2331 SWO raw output listening port: 2332 Terminal I/O port: 2333 Accept remote connection: localhost only Generate logfile: off Verify download: on Init regs on start: on Silent mode: off Single run mode: on Target connection timeout: 5 sec. ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link Host interface: USB J-Link script: none J-Link settings file: none ------Target related settings------ Target device: EFM32LG330F128 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: 4kHz Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link. Connecting to J-Link failed. Connected correctly? GDBServer will be closed. Shutting down.
EnergyAware Development Kit EFM32LG_DK3650 Board Support Library and Example Code.
If again unplug and replug after several minutes, it works again. I have used Apples 'USB Prober' Dev tool and note that I have to wait until the device completely disappears from the 'Bus Probe' before it will work again. This is extremely frustrating.
I tried to find the J-Link Commander tool listed on the downloads, but I cannot find it for OSX, does it exist four OSX? Reflex After Effects Cracking. Cheers Douglas This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by 'Douglas' (Mar 17th 2014, 9:33am).
*** UPDATE **** The board is actually a STK-3700 not a STK-3600 from Energy Micro (aka SILabs) I have moved the STK-3700 onto a WIn7 machine and am able to remotely debug via JLinkGDBServer on the Win7 machine from Eclipse on OSX with my own boards USB connected back to OSX and using 'SerialTools' from the Apple App store as a terminal emulator for the USB CDC serial port my device uses. This works fine (v4.78d of JLink) I have also removed Apple's 'USB Prober' DevTool for debug and tracing too and tried again fully under OSX, but before every debug session I have to completely power off the STK-3700 and then try to debug and more often than not I have to do that multiple times before it will work. The only USB devices I have are the STK-3700 and my own board being debugged. This is extremely frustrating. Hi, Thanks for the feedback:-) To try and simplify things I have created a smaller application that started to work the first time I download, but when I 'Suspend' the application (Using Eclipse) it fails to read the memory and I can never re-flash or restart the debugging unless I unplug the STK3700 for a few minutes and then start all over.
Note this is connecting to my own EFM32LG330F256 board. The same thing happens using the gdb CLI. If I then remove the STK3700 from my OSX machine and plug it into my Windows machine and I can remotely debug using the gdb server box, I can properly debug, change the code, ref lash, suspend, stop, single step, etc. When I reconnect back to my OSX machine, around 20% of the time I can initially load the code, it will sometimes run to the first time I suspend the code, then I cannot re-flash or restart the debug session. Here is a sample of the messages I get when connected to OSX: SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.82 Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V4.82 (DLL compiled Mar 10 2014 19:13:25) -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 2331 SWO raw output listening port: 2332 Terminal I/O port: 2333 Accept remote connection: localhost only Generate logfile: off Verify download: on Init regs on start: on Silent mode: off Single run mode: on Target connection timeout: 5 sec. ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link Host interface: USB J-Link script: none J-Link settings file: none ------Target related settings------ Target device: EFM32LG330F128 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: 4kHz Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link.
J-Link is connected. Firmware: Energy Micro EFM32 compiled Nov 6 2012 20:02:43 Hardware: V7.00 S/N: 440004343 Feature(s): GDB Checking target voltage. Hi Again, I have downloaded v4.84a and the very first time I connect to my board it works perfectly and I download into flash and can debug, etc. BUT, when I stop, then update my code and re-download, I again get the time out errors.
I have to then unplug the STK3700, wait a few minutes and plug back in and again, the first download and debug works, but no subsequent download to flash and debugs work. More than happy if you want me to test a version that perhaps generates more debug messages if that helps to diagnose the issue. Songs Pk Marathi Lavani Songs Free Download.
Thanks for your help to date. Cheers Douglas. Hi, I have returned to try 4.86 which I noticed had some OSX fixes that might address my issue.