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R n r n Zdravim Dreamery, r npocasi v dnesnich dnech je opravdu odporne, zkusili jse si plugin new-tuxwetter? R nJe to opravdu velice dobre a univerzalne udelany nastroj na zobrazovani dat o pocasi, ale nejenom - vlastne i jakychkoliv obrazku z webovych zdroju, pokud maji format.jpg,.png nebo.gif (i animovanych). R nPo zakladni instalaci z sfteam.anfy.cz je nabidka ponekud chuda, da se vsak jednoduse editovat konfiguracni soubor (pro DM7020 je to /usr/local/bin/tuxwet/tuxwetter.conf) a doplnit zajimave zdroje. Na je forum, na kterem se da hodne najit, je to ale v nemcine. Docela se mi to zalibilo a trochu jsem si s tim pohral, zkombinoval jsem stazeny konfigurak se zdroji, ktere jsem nasel na webu a predkladam k vyzkouseni a doplnovani. R nJsou tu polozky, ktere se mi zdaly uzitecne, orientovane na Cesko a Slovensko, Evropu a ze zajimavosti i cely svet.
Doplnil jsem Meteorolicky radar Ceskeho hydrometeoroligkeho ustavu, webove kamery dopravni situace v Brne atd. R nBerte to jako priklad moznosti, pokud by to nekoho blize zajimalo, dame hlavy dohromady. R n r nZdravi Abrh r n r n r n r n r n. R n r n Snad trochu potesim motoristy, kteri se vydavaji v techto osklivych dnech na cestu po dalnici. R n r n Hi dear friends, after two weeks of coding and tests finally here is the new and most revolutionary version of nabilo plugin. R n r nIn this new version you can download and install new imgs in multiboot directly from your DB. R nYou just need to have fwpro installed (tnx musicbob), and nabilo plugin does all the work. Torrent Hdr Efex Pro 2 Windows.
R n r nIn Nabilo Download Area choose images. Then select img you want to install (have a look of BD version 7000 or 7020). R nPress Download and choose where you want to install image (usb, hdd or cf). R n r nWith this version after installation you will be asked if you want plugin to copy current settings. Just press yes or no. R nThis is only a beta version, so remember that you use at your own risk. Please report us every bug or problems you have in image installation and in settings importing.
R n r nYou can also unistall all your imgs in multiboot. Even imgs now installed with nabilo plugin. R n r n r n r n r n. R n r n Fast, multilanguage Settings Editor For DreamBox. R n r n * Edit Settings: r n * Enigma-1 r n * Enigma-2(Satellite/Cable/Terrestrial). R n * Neutrino NPlus. R n * Triple Dragon.
R n Go to setup dialog to configure DreamBox IP address and Firmware. R n r n * View - Import Settings from: r n * Neutrino r n * Enigma 1 r n * Enigma 2 r n * Triple Dragon r n * Nokia 9800s/9902s Files (m98) r n * LyngSat script files (dat) r n * SatcoDx(sdx) r n * DVB (dvb) r n * Humax (hnf) r n r n * Other Features: r n * Organize bouquets and user favorite lists (Add/Remove/Arrange lists and channels). R n Flexible User Interface multi selected Drag & Drop. R n * User defined Sorting of services in a list/bouquet r n * Markers support. R n * Multilanguage List/Service names editing. R n * Add/Edit/Delete Satellites, Providers/Networks, Transponders and Channels.
R n * Copy/Paste Lists services and channels. R n * Drag & Drop Providers, Tranponders, Channels r n * Import Favorite Lists from other settings like DreamBox,Nokia 9800,Humax. R n * Export Favorite Lists to a special format compatible for Dreamset to import back your lists. R n * Export Settings as HTML and as Lyngsat files. R n * Multilanguage User Interface support.
R n * DreamBox registry editor. R n * Send it to tray - Custom telnet and http commands r n * Multibox Configuration. R n r nSubor sa nezmestil, tak len link: r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r n r n.
R n r n Automatic TPS updater r nHi.!! R n r nAutomatic TPS updater. R n r nthanks to the author. R n r ncitat: r n r nThis small plugin allows you to update the TPS keys automatically. R n r nput the both files (DW-Tps-updater.cfg) and the file ( DW-Tps-updater.sh ) in r n r nvar/tuxbox/plugins for DM500-DM7000 r n r n/usr/lib/tuxbox/plugins for DM7020 r n r nmake chmod (755) for both files r n r ngo to remote control press plugin button ( yellow button ) and choose r n r nDW-SATMAC TPS-Updater and wait for 5 seconds and thats it, TPS is worrking. R n r nenjoy everybody.
R n r n r n r n r n.